Jessica came and got me at the airport. My flight was like an hour early so she was not there when I got off the plane, but my bag was so I was REALLY happy about that. Jessica came and got me and brought me to her beautiful home where I got reacquainted with Conor and Brian and also took the most fabulous shower of my entire life. Jess and I then went to a local market where I officially began my tourist shopping. I bought myself a frog horn and I bought the library three hand carved musical instruments. We'll see if they reimburse me! They are really cute and the guy who sold them to me was a riot! Jess also drove me up a mountain and we got to see the fantastic views. Cape Town is just gorgeous...well most of it. The nature surrounding us is fabulous. But Jess also showed me something they call "townships." This is where millions of black South Africans call home. They are packed in very tight and the housing is primitive. They look more like refugee camps than people's homes. Apartheid did come to an official end in the 90's but it still does not look like things are equitable. Jess says they are working on that.
Tomorrow if the weather is good, Jess and Brian and I will tour Robben Island. This is where Nelson Mandella was imprisoned. For now, I'm going to eat some chocolate and "read". (This really means sleep.) Jess, Brian, and Conor have gone to a birthday party leaving me to get settled in. I really think this place is amazing.
Hi Sue! I'm glad to see you made it to South Africa OK. I meant to call you before you left, but time got away from me. It sounds like you have a lovely time in the airports (I love that you got your eyebrows waxed!) and I'm very glad your bag followed you wherever you went. Look forward to hearing more about your trip!
I'm glad you made it to the loo so many times!
I also ate Walker Crisps in London...a must for anyone with the name of Walker of course!
The pic of you and Jess is absolutely beautiful! I'm so glad that you made it and that you are safe!!! We miss you!
Have fun in Africa! Can't wait to read more!!
Sue, when Brian's mother and sister came to visit on T-Day 2007, his mom's first comment after arriving at their house was that she just had the best shower of her entire life!! Must be something in the water! Ha!
John H (Jessie's dad for those of you who read this and don't know)
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