Today was a day to write postcards (they are NOT sent yet, so quit worrying!), download pictures off my camera, check the budget, and watch Jess's 1.5 year old, Conor. He was a great kid today and we had a lot of fun reading books, playing hide and seek, doing bubbles, playing trains, having lunch, and napping. While he napped, I sat out in the beautiful bright sun and listened to strange caws from birds we definately don't have in Indiana. I finished Cry, the Beloved Country and LOVED it.
Tomorrow we are heading to the Cape of Good Hope! Also on the plans are penguins (yes, they have them here!), and a visit to a winery for a tasting event.
In case you want to do some reseach for your own visit to Cape Town, here are some of the things I've done or are planning on doing while here:
Robben IslandCape of Good HopeTable Mountain Cable CarWhipstock Guest FarmNote to my mother: Thanks for taking care of Luigi! I'm glad he is feeling so chipper!
Hey- I let Shirley and Kathy at bridge read your blog. They thought it was great! Love you and miss you!
I forgot my password.
Susie, I love reading about your trip. thanks for sending me the link! Mary R
I cannot wait to see the rest of the pictures...sounds like a great trip. I loved today's "facts" from the safari! Especially about the bald man and an ostrich! Mary R
Mary Roberts is posting out of order and giving away spoilers. I'm sure that's some breach of etiquette. You read way too fast.
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