Did you know that an ostrich can rip you in half as easy as opening a can of sardines? And that they are tremendously fast and can run up to 85 kilometers an hour? (Get my mother to do the conversion...I'm on vacation.) The only thing you can do if they decide to attack you is to lay flat on the ground. Then they will just do an ostrich dance on top of you and maybe break a few ribs (as opposed to ripping your small intestines out). However, if you are a bald man, it is a very good idea to hide your head because if you don't the ostrich is very likely to think that your head is an egg and sit on it for six weeks.
Did you know that a zebra is not related to a horse at all, but is related to a mule? If a horse is brought alongside a zebra, the zebra will run away. If a mule is brought alongside a zebra the zebra will stay and chat. Did you know that English and South African people pronounce zebra with a short "e" like in pet? And that they will laugh at you if you happen to be the first person on your African Safari who sees a ZEHbra and calls out (in a proper stage-whisper) "Look! A ZEEEbra!" It's true.
Did you know that lions with big manes were not around the day I went on Safari? Or cheetahs?
Did you know that today I saw: crocodiles, hippopotamuses, zebras, springboks (not actually known by the scientific "jumpy deer-ish thingys"), rhinos, a female giraffe, baby lions and mama and papa lions, two beautiful elephants, a lot of people from London and a boa made out of ostrich feathers that I cannot possibly afford? Well I did!
And the food was fabulous! I got dropped off this morning at a hotel at 5:00 AM and Moses, the driver, was there to pick up Miss Walker (me) and then we picked up our other crew from other hotels and we were off. We got to see the sun rise over Africa and saw beautiful mountains and got to drive through a 4 kilometer tunnel under a mountain! (See mother.) We arrived at the safari place and had a great breakfast with rashers (bacon), sausages, eggs, toast, croissants, cheese plate (!!!), fruit, cereal, and on and on and on!
Then we did the safari and stopped 1/2 way for a quick glass of.......CHAMPAGNE! And when we got back it was lunch and drinks at the bar and sitting by the freezing pool in the sun and then back again to the McInerney's! And Moses was very awesome and talked all the way home about Jesus.
Did you know all that? Well. Now you do!
Aquila Safari
All I can say is WOW!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! What an experience! I am so glad you had a great time. I am glad you were safe and enjoyed Moses. Thanks for the animal tips. And the tunnel, well, I do better riding than driving through. The weather is great here! One more wedding this weekend, then back to school for me! Love you, and miss you, and what a great time you are having! Are you taking all the pictures with my camera? You are doing a great job keeping us informed! What is next?
Mom, I miss you and hope all is well at home! I am taking all the pictures with your camera. It's doing great. Conor is sick so we are changing plans for this weekend a little. Tomorrow morning we are going to play it close to home and then tomorrow afternoon we are going to an outdoor market. :) Saturday we are going to Whipstock Farm for an overnight stay...will probably just be Jess and myself. I love you!
What a fantastic trip! I am loving your commentary and all the photos! By the time John and I get there the animals will all be extinct. I hope you continue that have a great time.
Peggy Field
Poor Conor...Sarah and Jackson are sick too...must be something going around...oh wait! He's like thousands of miles away :)
Must be a coincidence.
We miss you but are so excited to see your beautiful pictures when you get back! I'm so glad you are writing this blog. It makes it almost like being there (well, not quite!) But good for you to go and do such a wonderful adventure!
And all I have to say is...you need to scrapbook this adventure, so I have some fun things to buy you for Christmas!!
Can't wait to hear more!!!
Suzie, just wanted to let you know that Sarah and I checked on Luigi today. Friday. She didn't go to the sitter because of a fever. However, she is doing fine, so we walked to your apt, and she thought that was just great. She climbed on the steps of the church, everyone of them, at least twice, and knocked on each locked door asking for Suzie. When we got to your apt, Luigi was doing great. He got right out when I opened the door, and nibbled at Sarah's toes, which she didn't especially like, then she put some food in his food dish. He is doing quite fine. He is drinking out of his regular drinking thing, and we watched him eat some of his food. Sarah checked out your refrigerator, and had some apple juice. She said it would make her feel better. WEll, just wanted to touch base with you. Love you and continue to have a fabulous time! What did button kitty do today?
I would think the blanks would be filled in by this time: 85 km/h = 52.8 mph, 4 km = 2.5 miles.
Bald men simply avoid safaris.
I would have been more inclined to discuss Noah. But I suppose Moses is fed to the teeth with Noah.
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